Director + Producer + Writer +
The Linguistics of Infinite Torture wins Hollywood Gold Award for Best Screenplay
I wrote the film in collaboration with OpenAI’s natural language AI, GPT-3, so it was both fun and slightly unsettling to win an award for best screenplay. It’s also encouraging, as I hope my film is a provocative and entertaining spark for conversations about technology and the future of the human experience. I believe it's a glimpse into the future of filmmaking, where AI-human collaborations are the norm, rather than interesting experiments. Whether that will be to our benefit as humans, well... We're going to find out soon.
Official selection: Berlin Shorts Award, San Diego Movie Awards, IndieX Film Fest
Meat receiving festival attention
When my wife Edite approached me with a short film idea she had been toying with, I told her something along the lines of: "That's nice, now go write it." Not deterred by the fact that she had never written a screenplay, nor by my condescending blow-off, she did in fact go write it. Several days later she presented me with a damn good (and slightly disturbing) script, and the rest was history.
Official selection: Burbank International Film Festival, New York Movie Awards, Paris Film Awards, Hollywood Gold Awards.
“Film as dream, film as music. No art passes our conscience in the way film does, and goes directly to our feelings, deep down into the dark rooms of our souls.”
— Ingmar Bergman